The Lineage Of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalam
The Lineage Of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalam
Our Beloved Messenger of Allah ﷺ said :
“From all the children of Ibrahim it is I who resembles him the most “ [ Bukhari ]
Our Beloved Prophet ﷺ is from the Progeny of Prophet Ibraham as a result of his prayer which he made to Allah from Maqam E Ibrahim
After Prophet Ibrahim, his son Ismail, had twelve sons. It was clear that his son Nabit was different from the others. The same kind of particularity could be seen in his son Yashjub, and this line of distinction passed down with Yarub, Tayrah, Muqawwim, Udad and Adnan. It was clear that this line had a special nobleness and a particularity that could carry the weight of Prophethood. The same special character of the Prophet’s forefathers to the twentieth degree could be well observed, after Adnan, Maad, Nizar, Mudar, Malik, Fihr, Ghalib, Luayy, Ka’b, Murra, Kilab, Qusayy (Zayd), Abdimanaf (Mughira), Hashim (Amr) and Abdul Muttalib (Shayba), and a light that was the indication of the Prince of the Universe could be seen on their foreheads.
Hazrat Abdullah, the last son of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, was a monument of chastity. That’s why Abdul Muttalib loved him above all his children.
One day, Abdul Muttalib went to the leader of the Zuhra tribe, Wahb ibn Abdi Manaf, and told him that they were asking for the hand of Sayyida Amina, who was an honorable girl of great lineage. After a short while Abdul Muttalib’s son Abdullah and Wahb’s daughter Sayyida Amina got married, so a new blessed family was formed #muftisalmanazhari #prophetibrahim
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